Web Security

We protect your data and that of your customers.

The most common attacks to the widespread vulnerabilities

In the computer world, every device is now connected to the Internet. Connected devices, if not updated and protected, are easily exposed to attacks of all kinds. Vulnerabilities are not only due to outdated or protected software or hardware but are often also due to human activity, the most fragile part of the system. In fact, even a network of well-protected systems can be vulnerable if managed by personnel without any knowledge of computer security.

Avoid generating vulnerabilities

Most online websites are based on famous CMS platforms such as WordPress, Joomla and Magento. These CMS are based on a central core and plugins that are constantly developed and updated.
So the software part of the site is the most fragile and if not updated continuously it could be attacked and infected by malware.

Cutting edge security solutions

DDos Protection
We offer the configuration of DDos security systems for websites or web applications.

Updating CMS and Plugins
Up to date maintenance of the latest Plugins.

Malware removal
We do analysis, malware removal, backdoor on WordPress websites.

Web Application Firewall
We configure WAF for the active protection of your website, using state-of-the-art technologies such as Sucuri or Stackpath.

Why can your websites get hacked?

All e-commerce companies within their website, have stored user data, name, email, addresses, orders placed. 

For some companies, they are the most valuable data. This data must be protected, if compromised, can generate great economic losses and credibility.

Get free quotation

To make a quote we need to plan the first meeting to find out the products/services and objectives of your company.

Got a Project or Partnership in Mind?

1. Cognitive meeting

We will meet online through a video call, one of our professionals will ask you a series of questions, useful for getting to know your company and formulating a detailed quote.

2. Sending our Quote

We will send you the quote based on the needs and services requested, the quote will also include the times of realization or the hours of consultancy necessary.

3. Acceptance and start of works

After accepting the estimate, further appointments will be made for the development of the works.

Working with us you also participate with our ”Clean Water for the People” project. 

Get your Free SEO Evaluation now

We start right away with an SEO Audit of your site. You also receive our Free SEO Guide with an easy link you can access whenever you want.

Fill out the following form, you will receive all information via email. Within 48 hours your SEO Audit will be ready and you will receive it directly to your email, with a quick strategy map to generate more clients and amplify your profits.

Start your Project now! Our consultation is free!

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