Things you can learn from eBay to improve your eCommerce website design.

Things you can learn from eBay to improve your eCommerce website design

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    Things you can learn from eBay to improve your eCommerce website design.

    The American multinational eCommerce platform, eBay is a household around the world. Since its inception in 1995, the web-based shopping platform has garnered more than 260 million mobile downloads and generates a revenue annually of more than USD 18 Billion.

    It would not be erroneous to assert that eBay serves as an exemplar of an eCommerce platform that is engineered to cater to diverse and unique shopping needs.

    Although the site is ideally popular for auctions and customer-to-customer sales, its novel strategies, first-mover position, and global repute mean that upcoming online businesses can learn much from the site.

    Therefore, without further ado, let us have a look at the lessons we can learn about improving the eCommerce website design from eBay.

    1. Personalization

    One of the first things a website development service can learn from eBay is the personalization of the experience.

    As an eCommerce website designing service provider, it is imperative to build a platform that provides every user with a smooth experience for users.

    For example, apart from allowing its users to see what they have looked for earlier, it also allows them to ‘follow’ specific categories of products.

    Thus, some of the things about personalization that you can draw from eBay into your eCommerce website include the extension of ‘recommended items,’ the ability to save products, the option to look for ‘related products,’ and much more.

    2. Be Receptive to Feedback

    eBay has pioneered the art of skilfully dealing with reviews and feedback on its site.

    One of the intrinsic features that make an eCommerce website stand out is the presence of genuine reviews beneath products and services.

    For example, eBay has an option that allows customers to rate products from 1 to 5 stars and leave feedback.

    The feature is tremendously helpful in building customer-brand trust, reliability, and long-lasting relationships.

    Thus, if you are building an eCommerce platform website, pay extra attention to the feedback department.

    Things you can learn from eBay to improve your eCommerce website design - Apply to your website what you learn from eBay

    3. Geo-Targeting

    In simple words, geo-targeting can be defined as a technique that helps a website determine the optimal location of visitors by reading their IP addresses. eBay uses geo-targeting to send its products to various countries.

    In simple words, geo-targeting is an excellent way to increase conversions as you can customize your site by language, currency and local offers, etc., depending on your visitor’s location.

    Thus, an adept Ecommerce web design company will ensure that you take the assistance of geo-targeting to elevate the scalability and stature of your online business.

    4. Social Savvy

    Long gone are the days when marketing campaigns were limited, expensive, and out of reach for small business persons.

    With the ushering in of the era of social media, online businesses can use social media marketing to advance their site’s performance and bring in more sales.

    Thus, the last thing we can learn from eBay is to be socially savvy and make the most of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc.

    In conclusion

    So, we now know why eBay stands out from the rest and how it has managed to garner such immense popularity for itself. And, by the same logic, online merchants can learn quite a few lessons from the eCommerce platform to design a better website.

    Every business has problems exactly like yours. Study what is working for eBay, and then use that design tips and ideas to create your eCommerce website. You will be able to craft a strategy that works for your particular situation.

    Plus, doing this research will also help you identify potential pitfalls in your own strategy and give you a plan of attack for addressing these design problems before they occur.

    It is now up to you if you want to adopt these strategies and make your website much more user-friendly and customer-centric!

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